Мне очень жаль, ничем не могу помочь, но уверен, что Вам помогут найти правильное решение.
{now|now|now} you {can|will|have the opportunity} {to switch|retrain} to the {page|tab} “Deposit” {during|during} #file_links[“C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\file\gsa+en+5kAlexMyal49951473URLBB.txt”,1,N]. {but|at the same time|however} must {be|kept} {observed|fulfilled|implemented|implemented|executed/implemented} {all|any} {wishes|requirements|preferences} for {wagering |revenge} of the bonus, and the maximum withdrawal {of money | funds| of the winner} is 6 times the amount of {deposit| contribution|down payment| first deposit}, {at the same time| with all this | along with this | simultaneously with this|at at the same time, the remaining funds will be canceled.